Thursday, July 26, 2007
Is Music Video Time!!
You might be asking yourself what is it? What is going to change the ways of human kind for....EVER? Well is Jorge Suarez's music video shoot today, we are very excited it is our first big scale music video we're doing but is looking great so far the idea is well developed by my brother he is the brain cells of the project and I'm he's faithful sideckick who makes everything happen. Camera girl/producer/talent coordinator/director of photography/ production designer/ the person who will be screaming to the extras "BE HAPPY IS FOR JESUS" etc, etc...
One more thing God is great and I have no words to describe how happy, accomplished, and blessed I feel to be surrounded by him everyday. The pastors at TBN said that 2007 was going to be a year of blessings for God followers and they we're not mistaken at all this year so far has been one of the best I can recall. Thank you Jesus!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No To Harry Potter
I would like to comment about the Harry Potter mania that is sweeping our country. I have met several Christians and heard of Christian ministries that have taken this evil lightly.
I am a former witch. I sought out any entertainment that would expand my knowledge and skill of the occult. This was back in the days before VCRs and movie rentals. I would revolve my life about any movie or TV special that had anything to do with Satan, the occult, etc. This Harry Potter movie is very dangerous to children. It gives the enemy, Satan, a foothold in their young, impressionable lives and spirits. There is a hunger for the spiritual in all of us — and that should only be satisfied with Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I feel very passionate about this since the Lord has freed me from the clutches of the enemy. My hope is that you would relay to your readers that this is harmful and that we are commanded by the Lord not to participate in these things. Deuteronomy, Chapter 18, is very clear in that the Lord lists all of the abominations one by one. We are not to make our children pass through the fire, or practice witchcraft, or soothsaying or interpret omens or be a sorcerer or conjure up spells, or a medium or spiritualist, or one who calls up the dead. I have only seen trailers for this movie and have seen most of these things in practice.
I beg you to warn the church not to be asleep. We cannot name the name of Christ and numbly submit to the call of the evil one. Even buying the paraphernalia and having this stuff in our homes is wrong. We need to explain to our children that this is evil and we will not compromise. Our hero is Jesus Christ who has taken the keys of hell and death from the enemy.
We are to serve and obey and if that means to say no to that little one begging you to take them to see this movie, then so be it. It is our responsibility as parents to protect our children and not pass them to the fire of the enemy.
Olga Lugan ,Oceanside